Update: It's been almost 2 months and I'm still doing my happy dance. My PowerShot SX720 HS still powers on without any hiccups. Try DIY solutions first before sending in to Canon Repair. Save yourself some big bucks. Yippee-Ki-Yay!!!
I also have a PowerShot SX720 HS that’s a few years old. It had salt water damage while kayaking recently in French Bay, Bar Harbor Maine. When we got home, I was too impatient, took out the battery, SD card, and I hit the power button. No go. Google...
I also have a PowerShot SX720 HS that’s a few years old. It had salt water damage while kayaking recently in French Bay, Bar Harbor Maine. When we got home, I was too impatient, took out the battery, SD card, and I hit the power button. No go. Google...