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Hi everyone. Please bear with me, I'm new to this.  I've gone nuts reading online about choosing THE right speedlite for my camera (s). And I'm more confued than ever before so asking for your advice.  I have the following bodies:  Canon 6 D ( curren...
I have a Canon 6D Full frame camera. And I just bought the 24- 70 L II USM lens.  To complete my kit, I'm looking to invest a super wide zoom ( as low as 10 going uptil 22/ 24 mm) and super telephoto above 70 mm going uptil 300 mm (both preferably L ...
Hi  I am graduating as a cinematographer soon and considering a new camera kit. Since I am also a hard core still photography lover, I have thought of investing a full frame sensor body.  I will be using my new camera equally for both still and motio...
Hi  I am graduating as a cinematographer soon and considering a new camera kit. Since I am also a hard core still photography lover, I have thought of investing a full frame sensor body.  I will be using my new camera equally for both still and motio...