At this point I've given up and moved on. Using my 60D as a webcam was a neat idea but not a game changer. And I have to confess I haven't used any Canon EOS software in my workflow for a long time. Even when it worked the utilities were clunky and h...
You’re entitled to your opinion, Waddizzle, but this is a support board. Your anti-Apple rants help absolutely no-one.Thank you to those who recommended Cascable. I’m trying it out. I haven’t been able to get it to work with my EOS 60D yet, but I’ve ...
My friend, this is way off topic and certainly not relevant in answering the original question. Certainly it may be more difficult for small developers to keep multiple platforms up to date, but Canon is a huge corporation and many creative people us...
From my understanding, Apple gives developers plenty of time and documentation to address system-level changes that might break an application. It's incumbent on developers to respond to upcoming changes before they break. My experience with canon so...