Arrrrrgggg! Ouch! This makes my head hurt! I can't really say what is my favorite color, sometimes it's teal, or vermillion, or taupe. . . It often depends on my mood and the colors (or lack of) that surround it. Choosing a favorite lens is pre...
For general photography, you will get best looking results with the full frame cameras, including the 5D mark II. You can get great prices on nice used models on ebay and elsewhere. When you say f/1.2 vs f/1.4 are you speaking specifically about the ...
I love the 24 TS-E II as the sharpest of my lenses, and it fulfills your criteria the best. It can be easily shifted for 3-image panoramas, or simply used for multi-image panoramas, far exceeding the 17 TS-E (unless motion is involved). I find the 16...
I like the way Canon Digic, menus and controls have developed. But. . . Even though the imaging is better than ever, Canon is still lagging and not showing the industry leadership it once had. Areas I would like to see addressed in full frame still...