TS8120Own - that was a crafty way to get to the Utility. Its a real nuisance to clear, this error 1300. My printer was good afterwards though. Bets Ken_DC
Run the Roller Clean process from the four Utility options. That solved the problem of PIxma Pro9000 Mark II Error Code 1300 when there's not actually a paper jam in the printer at the printer.Makes a lot of loud clacking as it starts the paper load ...
SSHUEY - this solution to persistent repeated Pixma Pro9000 Error 1300 with zero paper paper in system worked for me too.I was running that last Roller Clean process of the four Utility options when I came across your post. All good now. Its a noisy ...
SSHUEY - this solution to persistent repeated Pixma Pro9000 Error 1300 worked for me too.I was running that last of four Utility tests when I came across your post. All good.Thanks fpr following up. Ken_DC
Hello - Robert, regreets for picking this up.DI you ever get this resolved?I am having same / similar problem. New Inks, Test Pattern prints perfectly. Any size paper rear or front load gives Support error 1300 (MAc or PC) andthe the three orange fla...