Canon EOS Rebel T7i
Lexar SD Card
I had over 100 photos existing on the SD Card. Camera was turned off. Turned on again. Two photos taken and when I reviewed the photos, all others were gone and only the two most recent photos were present...
I format the memory card every so often in the camera after downloading photos. This issue came about just by turning off the camera and then turning it back on 20-30 minutes later.
I think so too. So strange. I wonder if some partition / data table was overwritten but I can't see any recoverable partitions when I try a partition recovery tool. Thanks for the responses.
prior to turning the camera off there were over 100 photos that had been saved successfully. after the camera was off and then turned back on (about 15-30 minutes later) all those photos were gone and only two photos were visible on the LCD. I then p...