The top and bottom of the pages gets cut off when I scan. Can't seem to find anything in the troubleshooting guide. Happens when I use the feeder or the glass.
When using document feeder or glass, it tructaes top and bottom of page during scan. I am downloading updated firmware right now but suspect that the settings in scangear might need to be adjusted?
Hi and thanks for all the replies. My apology but we caught COVID so this fell lower on my list. I will wipe off the scanner but also want to say it is brand new. I did try the orientation advice and while it seemed to improve a bit, I surely don’t w...
More info: It will scan entire page if I select "color scan" but both color an B/W have a sectin running almost down the middle that scans poorly.. looks faded? If I use the Scangear utilty I can correct it but there is no way to save it as a calibra...