The solution to my issue, which is :"The MF Tool box that is supported by the scanner may not be installed... " is:Go to "C:\Program Files\Canon\Canon MF Network Scan Utility\CNMFSUT6.EXE" right click, and set the thing to "Run As Administrator".Wh...
Dear Nvnohi, I have no idea who you are, but you rock!!! THIS FIXED IT!!! Thank You!!! I've done network programming for decades, but there was nothing that documented what that utility was for. And since it showed me the scanner, I figured it wa...
No, no restore point, this was a fresh Windows 10 installed from a previously Windos 7 laptop. There were literally gigs and dozens of development tool installs. Plus the occasional "This application needs .NET ver... or KB such and such".Or with Mi...
And to rub salt in it.... I was hit wth a "survey" from Canon for the community... AND IT WON'T TAKE MY COMMENTS. It says "Authentication Failed" ------------------------------------------------Does ANYONE from Canon monitor this? Can Canon actuall...