I swore at lest 2 or 3 people said they went from 1.1 to 2.031 - maybe they had the newer "old" printers Rumor has it a Pixma Pro 200 is coming out - maybe we can get a steep discount on that unit due to the mess we've gone through with the Pro 100...
Then how do they explain several people on this thread with V1.1 units that said they updated to 2.031 successfully?Is Canon saying that there are two different versions of the OLD PRO-100 printers in addition to a newer PRO-100?
I'm both glad (for me, as I'm not alone) and sorry for all of us to see that this is happening to so many - after spending HOURS on the phone with different reps and techs and supervisors with Canon, on this topic, here's what I've discovered: 1- Tri...