Does my printer have all my files that I printed and scanned pages in a memory? If so, how can I print them? Installed new Win10 and lost everything. HP did this, by the way.....grrrr.
I would like to save all the scanned images from my old win 7 computer where I had navigator.....I didn't find the save feature until recently, so not sure a majority of my scanned paperwork ever left the program to "my documents" or to Picasa where...
well.....was finally able to get the old mouse to work correctly and clicked on 'select all', from there I worked my way into sending to the thumb drive...… most of the photos and text pages...…...most. Can't get the last 3% for some reason, but...
if it will let me copy and paste, I think I tried that, but this new computer and its mouse are flakey....I will do that. BUT, where do I go to paste......on the desktop and then "send to"...…..or, is there a link on the computer after plugging in th...