Hello again guys, Ernie, you read my mind about the monitor matching the printer. Printing is something I like to do only semi-regularly and it's not even my career, and I do like the monitor how I like it from the factory for general purposes. John...
Hey guys, When you're talking about controlling brightness do you mean adjusting for it each time one prints or making an adjustment (calibration?) to the monitor? (With grayscale I know you mean calibration, Ernie.) So bottom line is that you guys w...
Hi John and Ernie, You guys are really the best. There are a lot of good suggestions here, HSL among them, which I do mess with in LR Classic when trying to adjust for print. HSL, white balance, and tint seemed to be what made the most sense for colo...
Please, any and all advice is greatly appreciated! I take your overall message about adjustments--I only realized through this process that while I don't have much home-printing experience in general, I particularly don't with black and whites, so I ...
Thank you for all your help, guys. My only reason for thinking it might be a software or printer issue is that the problem didn't exist until it suddenly did recently--and not only on B&W prints, it's just more obvious there. But I will carry on as a...