System is W10 Pro(build 18362_release.190318-1202.. not yet updated to 1909 yet.The scanner in question is on a Canon MP495.. All latest drivers from Canon installed. It is being used Wireless.Problem is, on initial install, the scanner software when...
Also for your interest, this is the result of the Wireless signal connection test, and advanced test on the scanner.. no problems with connectivity. Performance check gives Sig.Strength 97%, Link quality 100%... advanced test, see attachment... but ...
Tested with the assigning IP to MAC address... not that easy to find the mac address other than by roundabout means, but successfully reserved an IP to that address... restarted the printer.. (shut down fully.. restart..) logged off and then back...
I will probably end up moving the printer to a different position and permanently set it as USB connect.. I have a particular reason for needing to scan.. my wife is near blind, and a she likes to knit, needsKnitting patterns made larger so she can...
I think I have found the answer... after use I actually switch the printer off totally. I noticed just now I wanted to use the scanner again.. not there.. so I looked at it's configuration using the ij Network tool and found the ip address had be...