Your printer is about to go belly up. Not that the printer is bad. It's just that Canon thinks you have had it long enough and it's time to buy a new printer. If you replace the ink absorber, you still have to resett the ink counter. That takes a...
I agree. Canon has decided to limit the life of it's printers without telling buyers. This is a DIRTY TRICK with no real justification. Then you find out they have a solution to the problem but will not share it with the users. That's DIRTY TRICK #...
Just to add to the problem, Canon has a printer Service Tool download that can fix the problem by setting the counter back. This would not solve the problem if the ink absorder is actually full but that could be fixed by the user. But Canon will n...
So, if I understand this correctly, my printer was working fine until Canon forces me to pay you to fix a problem that your company created. The ink absorber works on a counter and not on a measurement of ink in the actual absorber. This sounds lik...
The e-mail page you show for service is not available. Do you have another address that is available for e-mail support.I am looking for the printer "service tool" for my mx882 printer.