Just picked up a used 7D recently. Having troubles getting anything to appear above 1/2500. I was trying to shoot sunspots, and normally use a combination of ND filters and 1/4000 (max on the T3). I just tried it again with the same lens on the T...
Got it back yesterday. Shutter assembly had to be replaced because it was "shorted causing under-exposure". Got the standard cleaning/adjusting/firmware upgrade, too. Just like having a new camera, and comes with a six-month factory warranty.
UPDATE: Took it back to the store. Two of them checked it over and concurred that something's definitely wrong. They think the shutter might be not opening at higher speeds...sooo...off to the Canon repair facility in Palo Alto. She said she'd gi...
Yep, that's what I'm saying. It sounds like the shutter is working, but I get a blank image every time on any shutter speed over 1/2500th. I think I'll swing by the store yet today and see if they have any ideas.
Yep. Cleared settings when I got it. This happens in Manual mode, too, so Safety Shift doesn't apply. It was turned on, but I turned it off with no change.