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600ex rt high speed sync and strobes - Please HELP!




I'm new to photography and am struggling with what seems to be a simple problem but isn't.


I have a 600ex rt and 2 strobes (Alienbees B800) 


I would like to shoot in high speed flash (shutter speed over 1/200)


I tried putting my 600ex rt in manual mode and HSS. The 600ex rt is connected to my camera body via the hot shoe. Then connected the 600ex rt directly to my alienbees using a pc sync cable. 


I could never get the strobes to fire. When I disconnected the PC sync cable from the flash and attached to the camera body (mark IV) the strobes flashed perfectly (though did not pulse as in HSS [which I expected]) so therefore I know the PC sync cable and the strobes are working. 


Can anyone please help me figure out how to make this work? I'm using as inspiration the following tutorial ( but must be doing something wrong here.


Much appreciated!!



@dmfreckl wrote:




I tried putting my 600ex rt in manual mode and HSS. The 600ex rt is connected to my camera body via the hot shoe. Then connected the 600ex rt directly to my alienbees using a pc sync cable. 




I don't think this is how it's supposed to work.  The flash PC sync connection is for the flash to receive info from the camera (for those cameras older than a certain date), not to set off strobes.


You may need triggers like the pocket wizards.  If you want to use the 600ex-rt as the radio controller, Yongnuo makes triggers that will work...try the  YONGNUO E-TTL YNE3-RX Wireless Remote Flash Receiver

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