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Share your Macro Photos


Have you captured an awesome macro photo? Post it here and share the story behind the shot. Be sure to include the Canon gear you used. This photo was captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens at f/5, 1/160 sec, ISO 100.



173 REPLIES 173

TY, thats allot cheaper than what I've been albe to find.  Think I'll make it a saving priority for next spring.   Haven't heard of 42photo, I'll take a look, thanks.  You got a good buy on the lens.  The lowest I saw was $899 on amazon and best buy.  If I  watch the sales,  maybe can find a good deal too.  Keep on shooting, you're doing a great job..liz


"In your face"


Atala Butterfly face

Rebel T5 w/ Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, ISO 3200, 1/125sec. f/5.6

Shot this Hand held.


This is a cool shot!


shutterhack, you did yourself proud on this one.....neat face on her


Thank you, both.

I really love this lens. The detail is just amazing, it's always interesting to look at the pictures at full size and discover all the little details my eyes could never see. 

Like in the cropped imagine below. I never knew some butterfiles have 2 little claws as toes.

IMG_1646 (2).JPG

I have pics to send but do not know how to attach here?

Hi, BrianC!

Sharing's easy! Just visit our "Share Your Photos" section and check out what's going on. If you've got a photo that fits in an existing thread, feel free to add it as a reply. Otherwise, click the "NEW MESSAGE" button to start a new thread.

When composing your message, click the "Insert/Edit Image" icon at the top of the text box. It's near the center and it's a square with a pair of mountain peaks in it. You'll get instructions from there.

That's all there is to it. We look forward to seeing what you share!

Im sorry, I just do not see any "Insert/edit image" icon.

Hi, BrianC!


When you're composing your post, click the icon we've circled in red below.

Insert Photo.PNG


We look forward to seeing your best photos!
