07-29-2024 12:36 PM
This morning, I made a photo of a Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) on Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) tree at our house in Norman, Oklahoma, United States. On July 29, 2024.
I used exiftool to dump some of the metadata from the JPG file and to dump a list of all of my edits in Canon DPP from a dr4 recipe file.
EXIF:Camera | ExposureProgram | Aperture-priority AE |
EXIF:Image | ExposureTime | 1/1250 |
EXIF:Image | FNumber | 9.0 |
EXIF:Image | ISO | 1600 |
MakerNotes:Camera | FocalLength | 560 mm |
EXIF:Time | DateTimeOriginal | 2024:07:29 08:27:44 |
MakerNotes:Camera | MeteringMode | Evaluative |
MakerNotes:Camera | ContinuousDrive | Continuous, Low |
MakerNotes:Camera | FocusMode | AI Servo AF |
MakerNotes:Camera | AFAreaMode | Face + Tracking |
MakerNotes:Camera | AFConfigTool | Case 1 |
MakerNotes:Camera | InitialAFPointInServo | Initial AF Point Selected |
MakerNotes:Camera | SubjectToDetect | Animals |
MakerNotes:Image | ExposureCompensation | -2/3 |
MakerNotes:Image | MeasuredEV | 12.00 |
MakerNotes:Image | MeasuredEV2 | 20.5 |
MakerNotes:Camera | MeasuredRGGB | 800 1024 1024 454 |
MakerNotes:Image | FocusDistanceUpper | 10.53 m |
MakerNotes:Image | FocusDistanceLower | 9.04 m |
MakerNotes:Camera | RollAngle | 0.5 |
MakerNotes:Camera | PitchAngle | 9.7 |
CanonVRD:Image | WorkColorSpace | sRGB |
CanonVRD:Image | RawBrightnessAdj | 0.33 |
CanonVRD:Image | WhiteBalanceAdj | Daylight |
CanonVRD:Image | WBAdjColorTemp | 5200 |
CanonVRD:Image | PictureStyle | Shot Settings |
CanonVRD:Image | LuminanceNoiseReduction | 2 |
CanonVRD:Image | ChrominanceNoiseReduction | 2 |
CanonVRD:Image | DLOSetting | 50 |
CanonVRD:Image | GammaSaturation | 1.3 |
CanonVRD:Image | UnsharpMaskStrength | 2 |
CanonVRD:Image | UnsharpMaskFineness | 1.5 |
CanonVRD:Image | UnsharpMaskThreshold | 4 |
CanonVRD:Image | GammaSaturation | 1.3 |
CanonVRD:Image | GammaShadow | -1.5 |
CanonVRD:Image | GammaBlackPoint | +0.000 |
CanonVRD:Image | GammaWhitePoint | +1.400 |
CanonVRD:Image | DPRAWMicroadjustBackFront | 1 |
CanonVRD:Image | DPRAWMicroadjustStrength | 8 |
CanonVRD:Image | CropX | 621 |
CanonVRD:Image | CropY | 598 |
CanonVRD:Image | CropWidth | 3600 |
CanonVRD:Image | CropHeight | 2400 |
I put an HDR PQ HIF file that I saved from Canon DPP software on my web server at: https://www.rsok.com/~jrm/HIF/IMG_0950c.HIF , but that will not display in my Chrome browser or in my Firefox browser. It does display in the Safari browser on my iMac or on my iPad. I can edit it in gimp on my Debian Linux computer, but I do not have a high dynamic range display for my Debian machine.
The red and green channels were not clipped in the CR3 file, but were clipped in the out of camera JPG even at EV -2/3. In DPP, I brightened the image +1/3 and increased the dynamic range and there are still a few red pixels clipped but none of the green pixels are clipped. In Canon DPP in HDR PQ mode, I was able to brighten the image +2/3 without any red pixels being clipped.
After editing the CR3 file in Canon DPP, I used exiftool to add IPTC and XMP metadata and to copy makernotes from the CR3 file to the JPG and HIF files.
IPTC metadata may be viewed at https://getpmd.iptc.org/getiptcpmd.html by entering a URL for an image. For example: https://getpmd.iptc.org/getpmd/html/ipmdstd/wvo/ipmd/?imgurl=https://www.rsok.com/~jrm/HIF/IMG_0950c...
07-30-2024 01:18 PM
Very nice, a bird that I have never run into yet.
07-30-2024 03:13 PM
@TomRamsey wrote:
Very nice, a bird that I have never run into yet.
Thanks. They are very wary this year and most of my photos of them this year are at a birdfeeder or far away in deep shadow hiding behind branches.
https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Painted_Bunting/overview has a range map for the bird.
Canon U.S.A Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited.