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Flycatchers For Bird Lovers


These are probably the most common frycatcher species that visit our part of northeast Florida during their migration. We have several others as well, but they only seem to visit specific areas and sometimes fly right on by us. All but one of these shots was taken in my yard.


Great Crested Flycatcher. These guys migrate to our area and stay to breed and nest from mid spring to late summer. Pretty cool birds and fun to watch.

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Great Crested Flycatcher head shot. I posted this pic so you could see its whiskers, which most flycatchers have. Supposedly to help guide insects into their mouth.

Great Crested Flycatcher HEAD-1a.JPG


Eastern Kingbird. These guys come through during spring and late summer. This was a tough shot because he is "melanistic" (lots of dark pigment), which isn't typical for this species.



Eastern Phoebe. Another spring and late summer migrant.

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Eastern Phoebe. I travel to the mid Appalachian states to photograph migrant birds on their nesting grounds, that I normally only see during migration. This lady was shot in southern West Virginia feeding her chicks just after a rain storm.

Eastern Phoebe WV-1b.JPG


Eastern Wood Pewee. Another spring and late summer migrant. Although they are common migrants to northeast Florida, they don't seem to visit our yard like the others, so shots are rare for me.

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Eastern Wood Pewee.

Eastern Wood Pewee-2a.JPG


