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Christmas with those who have passed


Just up the road from where I live is Auckland City's largest cemetery, which has a wide range of plots that cover most of the city's history.  Closest to my location is the area set aside for those from the Pacifica Islands (Oceania).  I am always struck by how the contrast between the traditional European plots and those of the Pacific people - we could learn much from them.

First what the traditional European cemetery area looks like.  Obviously, overgrown and untended.  In part, that is the design of the times with each plot often having its own fence, but they tend to show our habit of interring and forgetting and, with limited resources, the plots deteriorate over time and now look rather desolate and abandoned.
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In contrast the Pacifica section is alive with colour and is immaculately tended - in part because of a better design, but I often see the families of the deceased attending the graves and keeping them immaculate, something I have never observed in other parts apart from the military gravesite.   

At Christmas time in particular, they are festooned with Christmas decorations and one sees the chairs that are often used by families who visit them and keep them company throughout the festive and other holidays.  Pacifica families do not say goodbye to their relatives and move on, they remain an integral and engaged part of the extended family, or whanau as the Māori call it.

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We could perhaps learn from these loving people...

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Rising Star
Rising Star

Hi Trevor, you reminded me of a cemetery in Colombia California.  Columbia California is near (Sutter's Mill) where gold was firs found on Jan 24,1848.   Columbia was founded as a boomtown in 1850 and during the California Gold Rush was known as the "Gem of the Southern Mines".  Columbia had 5 cemeteries, including Boot Hill where burials were made without markers. I visited a few years back and they have a "Moonlight Cemetery & Secretes from the Grave Tours" at Elmwood Cemetery, at midnight.   The tour features the lives of prominent citizens and families from Columbia's 19th and 20th centuries.  I only took my flash light and didn't bring my camera, bummer.  Did I mention that behind the graves we visited was a ghoulish looking figure telling the deceased story.  I'm sure Australia has some colorful cemeteries.  I've been to Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Perth but didn't visit any cemeteries, only pubs and other tourist attractions.  I loved it down under but couldn't get used to the toilet water flowing in the opposite direction.   lol

Ancora Imparo

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
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--- Ansel Adams