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Canon EOS 90D

Rising Star


 I really used to let those 45 photo autofocus points really control me when I just decided to control the camera in itself. This method of photography is not taught I'm teaching it to you how to use the entire sensor to take the entire picture you don't have to be limited to what's in the center or what's on the side and because the 90D has 100% view everything that's in the picture will be picture perfect. Now one thing you do got to watch out is wear the squares actually light up at where the squares actually light up at that's your actual focus if it doesn't focus what you want let the button go and press it again until you get the desired squares that you want. You don't have to accept the first press down you can constantly press it down until you get the focus points all of them where you want them and like I say it likes to see subjects or moving subjects if you have a moving subject it's going to focus on that the most even if you in one shot with everything still it'll give you a simple pattern in the center where it actually sees the subject and takes a beautiful picture.
