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Canon EOS 90D 70mm-300mm nano usm iii

Rising Star


The Canon 90D for sports you can see the person on the right but you also see the football players the Canon 90D does not miss once you focus I mean I'm just like blown away to just believe that. It didn't focus on what was in front of it like it didn't focus on her no I did not adjust the aperture at all I think the lens was wide open unless I zoomed in usually when I zoom in it's like at 5.9.


1000017395.jpgThe 90D give you one of the clearest photos that you've ever seen it could have been overexposed for the sun but other than that I say it looks good and sometimes when you load them up to your internet it kind of waters it down. No I'm not on some fancy computer to where I'm going to put commas and I'm talking to the phone. I am an excellent textures just my hands are too big to text on this phone it's a decent phone trust me but I wouldn't take pictures with it I'd use my 90d
