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imageFORMULA R40 Continually giving message "Cannot find scanner. Check the power and the cables."


My scanner is giving me this message each time I try to scan. "Cannot find scanner. Check the power and the cables." I have tried plugging it into new outlets, using a different USB connecting cord, and I have removed the CaptureOnTouch V4 software and re downloaded that. Please help! I have windows 11 on my hp desktop


I tried to use the registry fix tool, but it did not fix all the issues.  I had to manually edit the registry by finding the right GUID and then ensuring the {GUID}/#### setting was the same in the GUID and the R40 entry.  

It took me several hours to fix this. I remembered there was a registry issue, but could not find the details.  I've had the same issue when I updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and with the last Windows 11 major update.  Once I had the Registry sorted, I uninstalled everything related to the R40, rebooted, then reinstalled everything, then rebooted again.  It works now.  

I spent way too much time going down the route of changing the Thin Client from disabled to Citrix: TWAIN Redirection and multiple uninstall/reinstall cycles.  I tried different cables, different ports, etc.  

This scanner is working now.  It is my favorite peripheral. Anytime I receive a paper document in the mail, it is scanned and filed.  Easy to find things now. I eliminated two 2-drawer filing cabinets since I purchased this scanner.  It is Great!  I just wish Microsoft would stop crashing it with their updates.  

THIS instantly fixed the problem (caused, apparently, but the latest windows 11 update). THANK YOU!


This finally did it for me.  I spent hours trying to fix this.  What killed me was I was able to scan from the "devices and Printers" section in the control panel.  "Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers" but couldn't get CaptureOnTouch to see the RS40.  What a pain in the butt.  Glad I found this community.  I just signed up in case I need help again.  

Regarding this Windows 11/registry issue, I have attempted all the steps you outlined, and find myself down to the remaining step of manual Registry edit.  Could you please reply with the exact GUID registry lines you reference, so I can try to identify and fix them on my computer?  Thank you.

Thanks Rsweed, that worked for me! My scanner is a p-150, and I use Windows 11x64. I re-installed "P-150 ISIS/TWAIN Driver Version 1.0 SP5", and voila.

Thank you, thank you , thank you.  I just spent 3 hours trying to fix this until I saw this post.  Geeze! How can anyone ever know that Napoleon?


Hello. I found this thread and applied the fix, and was able to get my R40 scanner working again. The scanner is recognized. I was able to open the Captureontouch tool and change the value for the thin cllent mode to Citrix: Twain Redirection. The software now reconizes the scanner, but the only way to use it is to open the software manually and click the button to scan. For the several years I have owned the scanner, I have never had to do this. I simply fed the document into the scanner and pressed start. The software opened and I was prompted to review and save the scanned product. That does not work anymore. Also, even though color scanning is checked in the software, the scan is now in black and white, even if the document is in color. 

I noticed that early in this thread, there was a link to a registry tool that could be downloaded from the Canon site. That link takes you to support for this machine, but no such file is available for download. 

I have downloaded and installed the latest software for the R40. Any help would be appreciated. 

