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ImageFormula R40 leaving scratches/streaks on scans


I bought this a couple of years ago because I have a ton of old family photos to scan, unfortunately I had health issues which made it impossible to work on this project until now. When I scan photos I am getting lines on the images, pretty much the same spot but sometimes in different areas. I’ve cleaned the rollers, lenses, glass, everything inside that I can but so far nothing is working. I can edit them but this is total pain since I have hundreds still to go. Any suggestions?



I'm having the same issue with photos. When I looked closely, I noticed that the photo has slight indentations where the lines appear in the scan. These indentations align with the scanner rollers. I believe the scanner rollers create an indentation on the photos that then appears in the scan. But I'm not sure how to fix this. Can you check a couple images you've scanned to see if that could be true for you? I'd love to find a solution!


I will look at that when I do the next set of photos. 
The project is back burner right now as work has picked up so paying gig comes first! I will post after I do the next batch. Although most of what I was seeing looked like either something on the lens or a dead pixel in the transfer.
