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Canon r5c video not showing on pc


I’m having problems with getting videos to show on pc. When I record in mp4 format the videos will show. But any other format it won’t show. I’m using a cf express card for the videos. I downloaded eos utility driver and only photos and mp4 files will show. I bought a cf express card reader type b  and the video files still won’t show. How can I view the video I record on my camera on my computer????


Yeah, I'm afraid that was wishful thinking.  There is absolutely no way that the cable could affect which files are seen.  The cable could make the connection fail completely, but not affect specific data going over that connection.

As I said, this is a bug in the R5C's USB implementation.  MP4 files are shown, and not RAW files.  Get a card reader.

Thank you, very helpful.
