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Canon C300 .mxf files import to Final Cut Pro 7 [Apple ProRes]


I shot footage on the Canon C300. I would like to import my .mxf files to Apple ProRes so that I can edit in Final Cut Pro 6 and Final Cut Pro 7.


Any simple step by step method to get my footage onto my timeline so that I can edit.


Been going around in circles for 2 days with this.

Thanks Daron


PS I'll buy coffee for anyone who helps me figure this out  when you are next in Santa Monica




 MXF converter for mac  can easily convert any kinds of MXF files from Sony, Panasonic, Canonon on Macwithout quality loss. It can generates best editing format/codec for filmmakers and video enthusiasts to use in different NLE apps, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, iMovie, Final Cut Express, Final Cut Pro 6/7/X, and more. convert MXF  If you are on Window PC, please get the Windows MXF Converter


Well, the video shot by the Canon C300 came out as mxf, which the FCP can't comptiable. But I do have found some way to figure this out. It is better to choose to convert your video into Prores and load ot your FCP again.
This pavtubeimixmxf can totally sovle your problem, you can just google it for it has this special output format for FCP , ProRes. and also like Sony Vegas and other edit software formats. Hope this can help you.


In my first experience with .mxf files I am at a lost as to how to import these files into Final Cut Pro 7 without the camera or XF utility program. I was given the video files on a flash drive. I have several folders with five files each in them. (cif, cpf, xml, mxf, and sif) Is there a way to rewarp the video into Final Cut without the camera or XF Utility?

How to solve these problems,  I'm sure there are differing opinions on this, but for me, here's the workflow I've implemented: Convert Canon C300 MXF files to FCP most compatible format with a professional format shifting software comes from brorsoft. The software solves my problems easily.
