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Best uses of BLC?


I found auto Backlight correct in the menu options on my Canon G30. Somehow this corrects for backlit objects? How does this work if I'm shooting in Manual mode? When I choose it, it appears to create a flatter profile. Is there any degredation of image quality to just leave auto BLC on all the time, and then grade the image in post?


Please help!



Exposure measurement systems work by evaluating the light content in the image frame.  The evaluation process does not necessarily have to look at the entire frame.  It can look at just a small part of the center of the image, and ignore the outer edges.  These are the two extreme cases.


Different exposure modes vary the size of the center area being evaluated, as well as, varying the amount of weight given to the center area to the outer edges of the image frame.  That's a layman's explanantion of how automatic exposure metering works.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Alright, that makes sense (same as a dslr), but then why does the image look different with BLC on when I'm in full manual exposure mode?
