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Possible altitude problems


I split my time half and half between 500 ft mean altitude and 8600 ft. I have had problens porting a Pro 100 between these locations. A previous Pro 100, in original packing and succesfully used at 500 ft for months, after four days of vehicle travel (car) l, was put in service immediatly but had a print head that would never clean and could not be used. I have another NOS Pro 100, and want to take this trip again - and back in a few months. Has any one else had an altitude porting problem or  have any ideas to avoid any? I have had similar problems with another non-Cannon - I always use OEM packing and remove cartridges. I don'trealywant to have printers at both locations - did this for awhile but had problens with both printers being left idle for a few months as well.  




I an a rookie here and need to ask  - If there is a better forum group to address this?


Check that all the clear plastic wrapping is removed from the cartridges.
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Thank you for the suggestion. I reinstalled the original working cartridges with no luck and then installed new ones after removing wrappings - pretty carefully in both cases, no luck again with print head.
