PIXMA PRO-100 - Which driver do I want?


I'm using Pro-100 printer.  Decided just to be safe I'm going to download the printer driver file.  Just in case.  It increasing looks like I'm going to have to reinstall Windoze and everything.  

There is the PRO-100 series Printer Driver Ver.1.07 (Windows)  which is the  p86l-win-pro_100-1_07-ea32_2.exe
and there is also the 
PRO-100 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.87 (Windows) which is xp68-win-pro_100-5_87-ea32_2.exe

Which do I want?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi matonanjin,

The XPS printer driver supports 16 bit printing which is only supported by 64 bit applications, such as Adobe Photoshop. The XPS printer driver does not have the ICM color management feature that the standard printer driver has.

The standard printer driver must be installed first, before the XPS driver is installed.








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