Canon pixma 9500


Hello !
I look to you for a solution that I have not managed to resolve despite my checks.
A month ago, my nozzle check indicated a huge problem: almost no pattern, only a little black (the letter plus a few lines) and yellow.
I performed many purges with the program, without success.
I tried the manual cleaning several times (deionized water bath and isopropyl alcohol)
Finally, I bought a new print head.
Yesterday I installed it, and ... nothing .. no pattern on the noozle check
If I reinstall the old head I find my ugly noozle check.
Is there something to do after changing the printhead?
I reset the printer with the on and resume buttons, as the procedure explained several times, without success.
I tried to go through Service Tool, but I am blocked by a 006 error when I want to reset by the program.
Today I am stuck, I will appreciate your help!
Thank you.
