imageCLASS MF4800 series drivers


Have a Canon MF4800 series printer.

I recently purchased a new Dell computer with Windows 7 Home Premium.

I tried downloading drivers for the printer by the automatic Windows search for them online but it found none.

Where do I get the drivers I need for the printer?


Rising Star

Hi noratr!


You can download the drivers for your imageRUNNER MF4800 series HERE.


If you are having issues with the download or installing the driver, please CLICK HERE to reach our friendly Technical Support Team.

[Driver link updated.]

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Hi Julius

I have the same issue as noratr but the links you provided him no longer work.  Can you help out?



Hi, Mos!  Thanks for letting us know about the issue with the link.  This thread is over a decade old so some of the information may have become outdated in that time.  We've updated the link Julius provided so feel free to give it another try!
