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Printer with Static constantly getting caught in IP Conflict Reports


We have a Canon LBP6670 with a Static IP Address set in the configuration, we can access it via the Web interface and printing is working normally for that device. 


The issue we are having is that our Meraki Firewall is monitoring for IP Conflicts on the network and there are days that this particular printer will be involved in 60+ conflicts over an hour period. The IP address that gets reported as conflicting is always different and will be different from 1 second to the next, the only consistency is that the IP Address always falls under the APIPA Scope of 169.254.x.x. We also tried setting the printer to DHCP with a reservation address and the issue continued to happen as if no change had been made. 


As mentioned the printer is working on the static IP that we have assigned to it and even when the conflicts are being reported we can remote into the web interface of the prinmter and print to it. What I am wondering is, has anyone here had similar experiences and is there a way to get the printer to stop reporting the various APIPA addresses when it has a static IP or a DHCP one? So far the only way we have been able to stop this device from being reported as a Conflict IP Address was to remove it from the network and use it via DHCP.


As I have noted previously, our DHCP Server is not assigning the IP Address in question to any other devices, it is outside of our DHCP Lease range that the server hands out. We also do not have anything else on the network trying to use that static IP address as we had the printer disconnected from the network for over a month and nothing responded on that IP Address during that time frame. The APIPA conflicts started again once the printer was plegged back into the network. 


We have also tried to change the IP Address used by the server and still recieved the APIPA address conflicts. It does not matter what IP the printer is assigned it will be reported as being in conflict with other APIPA addresses when a new device is turned on an existing one is turned back on after it's lease expires. 
