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MG7150 - Network Setup on a wired network


I/we have an MG7150 connected to a wireless router, along with a number of office PCs hard-wired to the router via a network switch. All mention of using the printer in an office environment in the manual says "Refer to your network administrator". The organisation doesn't have one, so I'm trying to assemble the knowledge.


I know that the choice has to be made on the printer menu to go wired or wireless, it won't do both at the same time, and I've found the IJ Network Tool available from Canon to configure the printer on a network



There seems to be little else in terms of guidance as to what knowledge is needed, if any, to get the printer up and running when connected via a network switch. Logic suggests that, since the PCs will happily connect via the switch, that it should be a simple process with the printer - plug it in, select wired connection on the printer panel, install printer driver on each PC, and off we go. 


Is there anything else I NEED to know in order to get this going? 
