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Error message: "Another computer is using the printer." But there is no other computer.


I have a fairly new Canon MG5500 which suddenly stopped printing from my laptop running Windows 8.  I notice that this same problem ("Another computer is using the printer") has been posted numerous times for about 2 years, so it seems to be an inherent flaw in Canon's software, which has not been fixed.


I tried shutting down everything, including the modem & router. No change. Any new ideas?



After several unsuccessful hours on this forum, and after accessing Canon's unhelpful "help" website (with videos that don't work and instructions that make no sense), I turned off every computer I could find in the house with access to my router, unplugged the laptops and removed the batteries, disconnected the cell phone from wifi and turned it off, unplugged the modem and router, and then fired everything up again. Now it works.


This is quite an unnecessary rigamarole. Since so many people have been having this problem for so long, does Canon plan to fix it with some sort of override option? Not so far, apparently.

Chapter two: Well, it worked ONE time. But now it keeps saying that the printer is off line. Even though it IS on line, and has been turned off and then back on several times. It's hard to imagine how this software could be more screwed up than it is.


Hi There


I hope this fixes your problem too. We had the same issue and its seems to be related to a Canon App which you need to dowload for your printer from the Windows App Store.


I found the issue by 


1) Going to the cog which I think is settings tile in the Metro Interface

2) Then going to Devices

3) Then going to printers which shows your canon printer, one note printer and xps printer. 


I think I hovered over the canon and beneath was a box which said get app. Fearing nothing to lose I did and it went to the Windows App store and took a minute or two to download the app. Now I can print again!!!


Before doing the above you may want to open the printer in control panels and delete all the previous failed print docs.


Canon/Microsoft but please let your customers know if they now need and app to make their purchases work. We phoned the Canon support line and the lady had no idea how to fix this yet it appears to be a Canon fix.


Good luck!




