unable to download images to computer



Does your PC has a correct install of driver for your camera?

Is USB cord fine?


Can you connect to any other PC mac?


Can you send the images to computer after removing the memory card from camera and using a memory card reader?


Try all and post your result.


powershotA85 unable to download images to our computer windows 7 OS. message reads no camera found when trying to download from camera or from the card?  Jack

yes the usb cable is fine. and the card reader is fine .  the solution disk ver 17.2zoombrowserex4.6 Jack

I think its the driver causing problem.

From this


Chose the option: "Drivers and Software"

Then on drop down two boxes that appear, chose your correct OS, i.e. Windows 7 and make sure you use the correct 32 or 64 B version of Win7.

Install, restart your pc and see if works once rebooted.




There are no drivers that need to be downloaded because it will use the built-in drivers in Windows.  Please make sure that all of the software is up to date by download the updates from the Canon USA website.  You will need to use the later version of CameraWindow to connect to the camera.  The link below will take you to the download page:




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My MacBook pro (mountain lion) gives a "no camera found message" when hooked up to my new Powershot SX500 IS.  

My old MacBook (snow leopard)works fine with the same camera and cable. If I remove the memory chip and install in the pro, the pictures download perfectly. I just installed the software and it did updates. 

Any ideas?
