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tutorial for Powershot SX50HS


I need a tutorial or a step by step instruction that I can follow.  I have downloaded the complete manual and thoroughly read and studied it.  My last Canon was the AE1program purchased in 1984 and used for 20 years, always on the automatic setting.  Since 2004, I have used a Kodak automatic camera.  I am overwhelmed by the settings on this wonderful new camera I just received as a gift 5 weeks ago.  I found one tutorial for setting C1 & C2 to be used respectively for birds in the distance and macro shots.  This is exactly what I need but not exactly the settings as described in the tutorial.  Also, the videographer does not explain how to set the settings but assumes the viewer already knows that.

108 REPLIES 108

Also Linda, and I know all the differents means and methods can become overwheling for me also, when you get a chance try the Tracking AF I think Veteran mentioned that mode for focus and I've been using that now...the focus bracket moves by itself...heres the exerpt for that mode: the first part you probably know:

Capture 3.JPG


Capture 2.JPG

I take back what I said about not needing an adaptor for close work. The camera does focus to 0 but at such close proximity to a subject, lightingis a big problem. Bought a bargain 80 - 200 lens off eBay and made a macro fitting and then used one of the internal lenses to make a loupe for the screen. Broadly in line with these on Youtube  NNp-tne9KaE and p_KgMbOU8Wo. 



Now that I have been directed to the full instructions in John's post, I understand what you are saying about the Frame Tracking.  I had read this in the manual when I first got the camera almost a year ago but never figured out that button.   This is good to finally know.  Thank you! 



I have definitely seen the problem with lighting on close shots.  It looks like it is going to be perfect until I press the button to focus.  Then it suddenly goes really light - washed out.  Is this what you are talking about with the lighting?


I have a set of 3 magnification filters for close ups that I used with my Cannon AE1Program film camera. (in the olden days) They are threaded.  They are not currently with me but I am going to take a look at them in a couple of weeks to see if there is any chance they could be used.



This is wonderful!  I appreciate your ability to work with my at my level.  I had printed out most of the manual last May when I got the camera.  I studied it for quite some time but the print is so tiny, I have a lot of trouble making out the icons.  I had never figured out that the button next to the trash can  (Vetteran called it a "bin" which I did not know how to interpret) did anything more than delete pictures.  So now, I fully understand both of the instructions that you sent me.  I am thinking that the first one in which I set the focus box would be good for close focus.  The tracking one may be good for birds or moving children.  Do you have input on that?  I will practice with both methods.





Have the shutter set for contiuous shooting. Particularly effective for snapping people who tend to move or pull odd faces at inopportune moments.  

Hi Linda and your very welcome. Im still very much learning this powerful camera also.

The first method in Flexizone where you manually move the focus bracket to a good area to focus on is good for any subject that is not moving and/or the center of the subject is flat i.e.not enough detail to focus on so you have to move the bracket elsewhere.

The second method also works well for stationary subjects and very good for moving subjects as long as they are not moving to fast and even that depends on the contrast/color difference between the subject and the background. I used it to capture my daughter when she was jogging and it worked perfectly and the bracket stayed right on her even though she was not in the center of the picture. She was porbably about 40 feet away from me on a bright sunny day. I think the manual also mentions if the subject is to small it may not work too. From my experience if it locks on initially then it will track.

Dont forget we can change the size of the focus bracket also by pressing the Display button which can help too.

There is lots of good information in the manual on this and it seems like I pick up a bit each time I read through it.


Hey John,





Smiley Happy



See the Flikr group HS50 SX


not sure what that means veteran lol Where's that flkr group?

Ah, a missing letter - flickr.


Register and look in groups.
