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"Camera not found" error on Camera Window DC8


I have a new Canon PowerShot 510 - I have set up wifi and connected it to smartphones and all seems to be good.

I cannot seem to get it to sync with my computer.

I've downloaded the software and the Camera WIndow DC 8 won't even open at all - it starts to open, gives me a camera not found error, and then closes.

I have redownloaded the software and tried again - same thing.

I'm running on a Macbook Pro - OS X Mavericks 10.9.3

Help please?



I just bought a PowerShot SX280 and tried to install the included software.  It will not install.  I tried downloading from the Canon site online.  Still won't install.  Nothing I've tried works.


I am running a Mac Pro from 2009 which has OS 10.9.3.  Is there a problem with the software and 10.9.3?  I tried installing the Mavericks software but any time I click on the install icon it says "extracting files" and then just sits there.  Frustrating.


Very frustrating I bet. So you downloaded and saved the intstall files or just ran them ? The directory where they are installed may be corrupt now, did you delete the files somehow? I have never owned an Apple comp but have had the same software problems with Windows.

My suggestion is to call Canon on this one unless you want to wait for someone to chime in with an answer here. Be prepared though they will probably ask or tell you to turn off your firewall, antivirus all other running programs and things like that too.
