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canon powershot sx50 take one picture shut down


I recently got a Canon Power Shot SX50 HS, it took very good picture... but only could take one picture, if I try to take the second one, it will be shutting down. I found something was related with video sound and volume, because this camera cannot adjust video volume and the system volume in the menu section, if I do so, this camera will shut down or "frozen up"... sometime I play around suddenly, the sound come back, than I came take picture continually and make video... but only a while, it goes back to no sound... and one picture only... Not sure, what was wrong with this camera? Is the mother broad going bad?? Or just something was loose inside...



That model is arguably a decade old, so it could have a motherboard issue.  But, if it is able to take a photo then i would be more suspicious of a decade old battery and memory card.

Try to replace the battery with a new one from an authorized Canon dealer.  If Canon no longer carries the battery, then you may have to take your chances on Amazon.  Avoid eBay batteries.

You could also try replacing the memory card.  Be sure to only use a full size SD card, 32GB or less.  Avoid the micro-SD cards that require an adapter.  Again, try to only buy accessories from an Authorized Canon dealer, not Amazon or eBay.  

Be sure to format the memory card in the camera prior to first use.

"The right mouse button is your friend."


Thank you! BUT everything I brought the band new one just recently, new battery and SD card is SanDisk 32 GB SDHC... that was what I thought before... Until, I found the sound volume cannot be adjusted, anything in menu with sound if I try to adjust them will freeze up or shutting down. I have been use air can to bowing into the speaker suddenly sound come back everything work, but just a while, it back to silent ...

Your camera is not “new”. Canon initially released the original SX50 model in 2013.  It has since been superseded by multiple versions of SX60 and SX70 models.  

"The right mouse button is your friend."