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Why does my Powershot sx530 shut off seconds after starting to record a video?


With a fresh battery and fresh SD card the camera will shut off moments after starting to record a video and say "charge the battery" I turn it back on and the battery is full.

This is such a frustrating issue and I dont want to spend hundreds to send it to cannon when the fix might be simple.



Well my first guess is the battery. Even though you say it is fresh how old is it? Has it been sitting around not being used? Sometimes a defective battery will indicate full but it really doesnt have the capacity to run long.

New! bought a new battery and SD card thinking they might be the issue


Anyone know?

Well then that's not good news. I cannot think of a setting in the menus that would cause that. Does it take pictures ok and the battery lasts as expected? 

An internal problem will be expensive to repair and my guess is Canon might offer you a refurbished one instead of the cost of a repair. Im sorry I do not have a simple fix for you perhaps someone else might have an idea

From what I have heard , companies put "time bomb defects" into products that just magically appear outside warenty range. Well I guess I can only takes photos now and no videos

This same thing has happened to my PowerShot sx530 it turns of right after it turns on, recharged the battery and that didn’t help. It was working fine for months then in Malaysia while on travel just spontaneously decided to stop working one day and turned off. Now it only powers on for a millisecond before shutting down. I checked the lense to see if there was dirt in the ridges and that didn’t solve it. Maybe a fresh battery but part of me thinks it’s just defective now?