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Trying to remove Toy Camera Effects?


Hello and thank you to all who read this post.

I own a Cannon G7X MII.  I shot some images and didn't realize that the Toy Camera effect was enabled till I downloaded the images and tried to view them on my laptop.  Dam!  I have noticed that as the images are being processed on my laptop for display that they initially for a brief moment display normally then process the Toy Camera Effect at the very end.  It seems that this is an add on logarithm that is processed at the end.  My question is, Is there a way to take out this effect from these images?  Through any software?  Or could I possibly upload these images back into  G7X MII and modify the images in there?  Any thoughts would be appreciated - Thank you!




Are they Raws or jpegs?


Sorry forgot to include that info.  Raw .CR2




DPP should let you remove any effect and get the straight raw data. Actually, any RAW processor should work.


Well, I downloaded the Digital Photo Professional and installed it on my computer.  I have searched the program and the manual to try and determine how to remove the Toy Camera Effect but, I do not see what if any menus would do this.  Any Ideas on what menus would allow for this correction?  When I open the images up for editing there s no Toy Camera Effect.  But when the image is saved, the effect comes back.  Very perplexing.  

Thank you for any help!


I think jjckfish was mistaken, these kinds of "baked in effects" are almost always jpegs. That being the case, there is no way to back out the toy camera effect.

If I am reading the conversation correctly, the OP has shot in both RAW and JPG?  If so, the RAW image should be unaltered, as you pointed out such effects as toy camera should only impact JPGs.  One can go into any RAW editor DPP for example, and after doing whatever PP, save as JPGs.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris


Hi. I have a similar issue. The toy camera effect on my G7X is on and I cannot turn it off. Is there a special work around? I have tried a reset and it did not remove the effect.

Again, are your images in RAW or JPG format?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris


Hello All,

Sorry about the delay.  No one had posted in a while and I didn't keep up with it.  My photos with the Toy Camera effect were RAW.  Here is a screen capture with the file extension.  I eventually figured out what to do with the help of Kvbarkley's suggestion.    There is no drop down solution in Photo Shop that I could find.  So what I did was to save the image as a .tiff file.  It took out the effect.  You will have to reconvert it what ever file you will need.  Sorry forgot the image.

RAW ImageRAW Image

