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Sx50 display question


Not sure if it’s a problem or a setting issue. My display in shooting mode used to show more data than it does now. For instance, it no longer shows awb for white balance. I reset all settings and no go. Ideas are appreciated.



You can set what you want to see thru the Menu, then Custom Display. One set of Columns is for the display and the other set is for the viewfinder so you can customize each. Once you set those up just press the Display button to switch thru what you have set. Page 154 of your manual.

thanks. I'm familiar with those options. however, that does not seem to be the issue.


for instance, the manual says that when you make a white balance selection, the wb icon will be displayed. i select awb and it does not display awb on the screen. it used to. i'm in manual mode.

Is it possible that shooting in manual mode also requires that W/B be manually set? Does the AWB icon show up when shooting in Av, Tv or any of the other auto exposure modes?
