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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




1,334 REPLIES 1,334

has this problem been fixed??? 

No. And it never will be. Canon denies there's a problem and has released a new camera.

My camera is still under warranty but outside of the Amazon return window so I thought I would try sending to Canon to have it "repaired". It came back from Canon with the following service details...
"Your product has been examined and it was found that the circuit board contained a programme fault the battery wore out more quickly than normal. Electrical adjustments were carried out on the circuit board. Product functions were confirmed".

Well what do you think I did....test the product. I ran the video and got about 15 minutes before the red flashing light came on. I shut off the camera and resumed photo mode and voila, back to 4 bars...full battery. Switch back to video and red blinking battery icon again and again.

Canon, I will be calling to get more specific details on the repair. I would doubt 15 minutes is the normal "product function". My hopes is Canon will refund or replace with a better model.


I am baffled, are people still buying that SX280 or trying very hard to make it work properly in vain after  that massive evidence out there that it cannot be fixed?  It's not an exaggeration to say that at 100%, the  SX280 have all the red blinking battery issue after some light zooming and videoing. Canon should have recalled all of them and removed them from the shops. Period

Good luck getting your money back.  The one thing that really got me upset was not the defective video recording but the mediocre pictures this camera takes comparing to other snopshots..

Thankfully I was able to return it  to Amazon.

@Bluestar48 wrote:

I am baffled, are people still buying that SX280 or trying very hard to make it work properly in vain after  that massive evidence out there that it cannot be fixed?  It's not an exaggeration to say that at 100%, the  SX280 have all the red blinking battery issue after some light zooming and videoing. Canon should have recalled all of them and removed them from the shops. Period

I'm baffled too.  Why are people holding on to the SX280? If a product is defective, dont their local laws offer any protection and allow them to receive a refund?  Or, if a company didnt do a product recall but gave people the option to wait while they fixed it, took their time, and the fix still failed.. then the warranty should still stand.  A company cant suddenly go, "Haha, we havent fixed it but now you're out of warranty. Too bad".

If you're in a backward country where there is no such protection then, 1.  Lobby to have your laws changed.  or 2. You really need to wait until a product is thoroughly tested by others before purchasing.



Anyone try this? could answer any technical, this has technical contraindications? Battery can die forever? and charging can explode? Sorry the video is in German not understand anything I'm from ARGENTINA

Anyone try this? could answer any technical, this has technical contraindications? Battery can die forever? and reloading can explode? Sorry the video is in German not understand anything I'm from ARGENTINA


Nicoceo, thanks for your input , I'll try. Please note that if video is filmed in HD ie 1280 x 720 30fps, the video quality is still very good and the battery problem disappears. The camera films for 30 minutes and cut , but not for low battery, because it seems that has an internal limit, and can shoot after another 25 minutes until the battery runs out, starting with a fully charged battery. That is almost an hour of video with no problem. I think the problem is that in Full HD video modes , the processing the camera must do, consumes much power and this high current produces a decrease of the battery voltage by the internal resistance and therefore the battery sensor of the camera, turn it off,  then when you turn on the camera again, the power consumption is low and shows a fully charged battery. It is remarkable the temperature that takes the camera, in the battery zone, when shooting in full HD . When shooting in HD is much less heated . I think filming in HD solves the problem.

@AndresLa wrote:

Nicoceo, thanks for your input , I'll try. Please note that if video is filmed in HD ie 1280 x 720 30fps, the video quality is still very good and the battery problem disappears. The camera films for 30 minutes and cut , but not for low battery, because it seems that has an internal limit, and can shoot after another 25 minutes until the battery runs out, starting with a fully charged battery. That is almost an hour of video with no problem. I think the problem is that in Full HD video modes , the processing the camera must do, consumes much power and this high current produces a decrease of the battery voltage by the internal resistance and therefore the battery sensor of the camera, turn it off,  then when you turn on the camera again, the power consumption is low and shows a fully charged battery. It is remarkable the temperature that takes the camera, in the battery zone, when shooting in full HD . When shooting in HD is much less heated . I think filming in HD solves the problem.

Thanks for another solution on how to put a bandaid on the battery drain problem this camera has.  See also the tape over the battery contact solution, the carry plenty of spare batteries solution and the most effective solution - don't shot video with this camera.

Sorry for the sarcasm but it's one of those days.
