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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




1,334 REPLIES 1,334


Thank heavens I read this thread first, nearly bought a SX280 (UK stores offering them for £130 ($215).

Saw a SX260 for £100 ($165) in PCWorld at the same time and got that instead.

The SX260 seems a good camera image quality wise compared to my Casio Exilm EX-ZR100.

Good luck guys and gals with your efforts to get Canon to own up/cough up, I can't work out what Canon are playing at, reputations are hard won and easily lost.


@ BrianUnderpants:


Good to have you on board... alsithee owd butty!



I didn't see this before hand.  I just bought one 2 days ago as I thought it was a good deal, on offer for £130.  Use it for about 5 minutes at most and i'm having this issue.  I'll be returning it and looking at another camera when I get my refund.

AZK:"I didn't see this before hand.  I just bought one 2 days ago as I thought it was a good deal, on offer for £130.  Use it for about 5 minutes at most and i'm having this issue.  I'll be returning it and looking at another camera when I get my refund."


Yes, return that lemon as fast as you can or that battery drama will plague you forever. I have heard good feedback up to now about the Sx700, may be you could give it a try. Good luck.

Personally I couldn't bring myself round to even considering the SX700.... not after the way Canon has treated these folks here..... there are other cameras that will blow the SX700 out the water when it comes to battery life.


The only thing the SX700 has is a pea-sized bigger battery -  60mA/ Hr more and a extra 10x zoom!!!  Could I be excused by saying it's dearer to cover losses of the SX270/280, whats spectacular about it?



Davy, I'm sorry to hear that Canon has ruined your life.


For others who are able to move on from the SX280, I have posted some info here about the SX700:





Lol. Canon didn't ruin our lives with the sx280. They just hurt their own reputation. I'll be the folks who dropped money on the sx280 won't be so eager to beta test the sx700. Canon's disgraceful conduct and bad-faith dealing with loyal customers throughout this sad chapter has earned a bit of skepticism.

Actually, it's very interesting that someone who's such a Canon cheerleader just coincidentally happens to lay hands on a camera that hasn't been released yet. Is everyone aware that big companies like Canon spend lots of money on 'reputation management'? That's a fancy PR industry term for willfully trying to drown out complaints with comments that favor the company.

Union, dont let paranoia set in.   Maybe being in the asian region allows us to sometimes get a product quicker than the rest of the world.  I have nothing to do with Canon or any company.  I'm just a regular consumer.   If you read my DPR posts this would be plainly evident as I am not brand loyal.  I simply purchase a product that fits my needs.  If it fails to do so subsequent to purchase, then I return it.

If that is not possible for you, then please refer to my previous post about laws or waiting for thorough user reviews.


The only thing worse than the sx280 is the shabby way Canon treated loyal customers who believed the company would stand behind its product. I'll be interested to see how the sx700 holds stacks up, but won't be giving more of my money to a company that has such little regard for consumers.

@UnionStation wrote:
The only thing worse than the sx280 is the shabby way Canon treated loyal customers who believed the company would stand behind its product. I'll be interested to see how the sx700 holds stacks up, but won't be giving more of my money to a company that has such little regard for consumers.

Being a loyal customer or a loyal employee and getting rewarded for it have gone the way of the dinosaur, sadly.

I understand it really bugs you, but you need to adapt and move on.  Or, stay here with your placard.


I wont be posting here anymore because I'm happy with my new SX700.  I'll be posting more on DPR. When you eventually get your own SX700 and if you have any further questions, I and other members will be happy to assist as always.


Best wishes.

