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SX 530 HS Tv Mode Shots - Dark


Hello, I am trying to shoot in Tv mode for sports, but the pics for indoor events come out very dark.


These are my current settings:

Shutter speed: 1/400th 

Continuous shooting: On

Servo AF: On 




E. V. 


Accepted Solutions

If I take an indoor shot with f/3.5 and 1/400 shutter (some ambient coming in), I need at least ISO 3200 for a proper exposure. 


But then for an indoor shot of an interior room with just the overhead light on (zero light from outdoors), I need ISO 12800 for a proper exposure.


Your camera has a maximum of ISO 3200.  And you most likely wouldn't want to use that as it would have quite a bit of noise.  But, I now suspect the reason for your dark images is that your camera just cannot compensate for that 1/400 second shutter when shooting indoors.   I also suspect flash isn't allowed.  So your only option is to drop shutter speed.  However, if you're zoomed in, your lens' aperature will close down to as much as around f/6.5 which almost 4 times less light coming in.


Do study up on the Exposure Triangle to get a better understanding how shutter, aperature and ISO are all interconnected.


I do feel your pain... for my first point-and-shoot cameras, I ended up with either blurry and/or noisy images when wanting to shoot anything indoors where flash wasn't allowed.   Sometimes the only way to maximize your options for capturing images with existing (ambient) light only is moving up to better equipment.  For example having a lens that could let in much more light.  And cameras with more ISO options and lower noise even for high ISO values.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

View solution in original post



What is the Aperture and ISO?

Hi, the ISO is on auto, not sure I can set the aperture in Tv mode as I see the message "set shutter speed, camera will select aperture." Hopefully, you can help me figure this one out. 





The metadata for your images should indicate what the aperture and ISO values are.   That would be helpful to understand.


Your camera's lens' widest aperture is f/3.4.  But at the telephoto end, it's f/6.5.  Were you zoomed completely in?  If so, unless the ISO can go high, I could see f/6.5 and 1/400s not allowing for a good exposure; hence the dark images.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

It is interesting to me because when I switch to auto mode the exposure is fine, but when I am Tv mode that is when the indoor photos are dark. Also, the zoom does not seem to affect the exposure as much as being in Tv vs. auto mode. When I am in Tv mode outside in bright lighting, no issues with exposure. 



In order to proceed, please either provide example metadata, or attach an image that would contain the metadata.  Otherwise, there's nothing to go on.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Ok, so how do I figure out the metadata? What is metadata in terms of a camera? 



Perhaps this will help. 


Nope does not help, but if you go into playback and press disp or info, there might be an overlay of the shooting data.


If you change the ss to 1/60 do you get an image?

Is this metadata? 

