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Powershot G12 Screen Problem


My screen is acting oddly.  I figure I must have changed a setting, but don't know what.  I usually keep the dial on P and all worked well.  Recently, when I go to take an image and press the button down half-way, the screen becomes very bright and washed out.  This does not happen when the dial is on AUTO.  If I do press the button all the way down when in P, the image is washed out as it was on the screen.  I have fiddled with the settings, but don't seem to be able to correct the problem.  I take close-ups of wildflowers and almost always keep the MACRO on.  However, the MACRO does not come on in the AUTO mode and so I can't get close enough in many instances.  Can someone help me??



Sounds like ISO is set too high?


You can do a reset of all settings.  See page 51 of the User Manual.


Basically, press the "Menu" button to bring up the menu.  Navigate to the "wrench" set of options.  Then select the "Reset All" option.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Thank you VERY much - seems to have solved the problem.  It was set to 1600.  I changed it to 400, which seems to be the lowest it would go.  Is that a good setting?.      Link 

It (ISO) all depends on what makes for a good exposure.   There will certainly be times where 1600 is a correct value to use.


For a rough estimate (useful if shooting in Manual or modes where you still choose at least one setting), use the "Sunny 16" rule.


On a clear sunny day, you would use ISO 100, shutter of 1/100 (or 1/125) seconds, and an aperture of f/16.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Thanks - I will try to apply that rule.
