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Powershot Elph 135 shutter lag


I just purchased a Powershot Elph 135 and noticed there is a huge shutter lag.  I press the shutter halfway down and let the camera focus.  Once I hear the beep I assume that the camera is ready to take the picture.  However if I press the shutter immediately after I hear the beep, I get a delay of about 1 or 2 seconds before the shutter actually fires.  If i wait several seconds after I hear the beep then when I press the shutter it fires immediatly.  It seems like the camera is giving the ready beep too early.  Is there anything I can do to avoid the shutte rdelay?



What are the conditions that you are shooting under? Usually there will be longer shutter lag if you are shooting in very low light conditions without flash. Are you using continuous focusing? Is the subject of your shot moving or still? Are you using Auto mode or any of the scene modes? Any of these can have an effect on the shutter lag time. Any further information will help us to help you better.


Steve M.

I was just doing some test shots with the flash on when I nodiced the delay.  I was indoors with the lights on, so it might have been slightly dim.  Subject was not moving.  Camera was on Auto.  I guess my main question would be: Does the camera beep when it is focused or when it is ready to take a picture.

Ah, I have always run into problems when using the flash on my compact Canon's. Seems that if the flash isn't charged up, then there is a real long lag until the next shot can be taken. It was really bad on my A510, as long as 10-12 seconds!


I believe your camera does beep when the focus is ready as long as you have the sound on. (I have mine turned off) With the camera in Auto mode, make sure when you press the shutter halfway and it gets a focus lock, don't release the shutter, but press the rest of the way to get the shot. It's very easy to get caught in a "hunting mode" in Auto. I usually use Program (P) mode with better results on my SX150.


Steve M.
