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PowerShot SX1 IS NOT focus clearly.


Why does the PowerShot SX1 IS tend to NOT focus clearly when zooming  and even at times when not zooming? I recieved the camera new,about five years ago, as a gift and it did this right from the start. What can i do to correct this problem and why does it not focus--sometimes it does but majority of times it does not. It tend to be slight ly put of focus most of the times.





It is possible that you are too close to the item you are trying to photograph. Especially when you zoom, you need to make sure that you are at least 4-5 feet away from your subject to get a focus.  Make sure you half press the shutter button to allow the camera to get a focus, then shoot once the camera is ready. Use a tripod when you have a very slow shutter speed. Photos come out sharper focused when the shutter speed is at least the reciprocal of the focal range, so if your focal range is 100mm, you need to have a shutter speed of at least 1/100. 1/125 or faster is even better.


Steve M.
