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PowerShot G7 X Mark II/III availability


Any idea when the G7X Mark II or Mark III models might be back in stock? I've been checking every day, but so far, no luck.



Thanks for joining the conversation, brazilll!  The PowerShot G7 X series has a been a huge hit and we appear to be out of the whole set right now. While we don't have information on when we might get additional inventory, you can go HERE to sign up to be notified when it becomes available and to also look up Canon authorized dealers both in your area and online who might also have it in stock.

Hope this helps!

Hi Danny - it’s be about a month since the original post, and I was wondering if you might have an update on availability?

Unfortunately, no. We do not receive shipping information on items that are out of stock. 


People have been asking this question for a l-o-o-o-n-g time. When do you give up, and buy a different camera?

I just entered the market for a camera like this a week ago, and had no idea they were THIS hard to get a hold of. It’s insane! You’d think canon would update their production to appropriately match demand.

Im searching too for a long time. I have try to buy it on a private sales on online platform but unfortunately I was cheated twice and spent a lot of money. That’s why I gave up:(
