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My PowerShot SD3500 IS's touchscreen isn't working :(


Hi, fellow camera lovers... (sorry, first time writing in a forum, bear with me)

I've recently found my grandma's old camera, one she let me use frequently as a kid, and was overjoyed to find it in... near perfect state. The battery is iffy and the memory card isn't great but the problem is the LCD screen. It's... stained, i guess? It looks a like a stain, I'm sure it's not, but it made the touchscreen completely unusable. I was hoping someone here knew a way to fix it... In the morning I'll call tech support, but I'm pretty sure it won't help (pretty sure it's in discontinued repair) . If needed I can disasssemble it (my father is an engineer and has experience with canon cameras). 

I really, really want it to work it's very dear to me and I'd really like to one day share it with my little sister to introduce to photography (a hobby me and my father share). So, please, if you know how to fix it, tell me. Thanks in advance! 🙂



Thanks for letting us know what Canon product you've got. The PowerShot SD3500 IS is an older model which we have retired. While that means that Canon USA no longer offers direct support for it, your friends here in the Canon Community are welcome to offer suggestions!

You can also speak with a Canon Upgrade Program specialist to help you score a modern replacement that would meet your current needs at a discount. You can reach them Monday through Friday at 1-866-443-8002.

Hope this helps!

Thanks! 🙂
