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Memory card full but no image

I downloaded all the pictures so I got my memory card empty to record my class this morning. I know the memory card can hold only 30 minutes of video (4G) my class was 40 minutes. So when the card fulled the camera stopped by itself. After class I checked, no image but the camera said card is full. I connected the camera to my computer, it showed that the card is full but it said the folder is emty, no file on it. What went wrong? Please help me. TIA!!!

If you format NOW you will loose anything on that SD card and that's your decision. I am NOT aware that you can HIDE captures.


You only have the ONE card? You should have at least 2. Could you TEST with another card to SEE if the camera records as it should? Using another card is essential in these situs so you can TEST to see if the camera is working as it should.


As I said, I reformat when I remove Media. But I do do a lot of video so they DO fill up.


BTW, what size of SD are you using?





I do have another card(8Gb) from my Nikon camera, I took it out of the Nikon & put in the Canon now. I formatted the 8GB SD and tried recording, it works. Now I still have my 4GB unformatted hopefully to get back the file. But I won't pay for retrieving the file, I rather recapture the class. Ok so I go ahead and format the bad SD card now?

Btw, the reason I use the Canon Powershot to video tape is it will produce a smaller file. If using my Nikon, the file would be huge & I will have a hard time to upload my video for my work evaluation. Thank You!

Just of note: I format my card any time I feel the need to wipe it clean (e.g. before shooting a big event, or periodically just to get a clean start).

There are some good free recovery programs on the net that may be able o salvage some or all of the data on your card. I'd try finding and using one of those first.

Thanks you all for the help!!!!