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G7x mark II issue with focusing on people

I've had the camera for one month now and it is not consistent with focusing on more than one person at a time. Works about 50% of the time. When I press the shutter button halfway I get squares around the faces but only one is white and the rest are Grey. In turn, the white turns into a green and the Grey squares disappear and those faces are out of focus.. Any help?


"Any help?"


Read the Instruction Manual, so that you can understand what it is that the squares represent, and what the changing colors mean. Pay particular attention to focusing modes, and their behaviors.


Here are a couple of things you should be aware of concerning auto focusing systems.


1.  Most autofocus systems offer multiple AF points, but only one is used to actually focus the lens.  The camera will typically lock focus on the AF point that covers nearest object to the camera.


2.  You will get the best results by manually selecting a single AF point, usually the center point.


Hope this helps.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."